First Beel cabinet


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Politics and government of
the Netherlands

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Beel I (3 July 1946 - 7 August 1948) was the first post-World War II cabinet of the Netherlands that was the result of elections (the former Schermerhorn-Drees cabinet was appointed by the queen). It consisted of ministers of PvdA and KVP and three independent ministers. The cabinet was headed by Louis Beel.

A major issue was the independence of the Dutch East Indies. This required a change in the constitution. In November 1946 the Linggadjati Agreement was signed, but different interpretations led to Dutch military intervention (politionele acties). Under international pressure through the UN, this ended and negotiations restarted, ultimaltely resulting in the new country Indonesia, but only under the next cabinet, Drees I.

An important new law was the 'Noodwet Ouderdomsvoorziening' by minister Willem Drees.
